Breast augmentation is a safe yet effective way of achieving your ideal physique. Apart from restoring the lost shape of your breasts, the procedure can also enhance their appearance to your preference. This not only gives you complete control over the look of your breasts but also delivers the confidence you need to be comfortable in your skin.
Breast augmentation is done through the use of implants, which come in either saline or silicone. If you are interested in getting either of these implants, it is imperative to learn how long breast implants last on a typical basis.
To help you find an answer to the question, here’s a lowdown on the different types of breast implants as well as the usual performance of these devices.
What Are Breast Implants?
Breast implants are medically safe devices that are used to reshape or restore the appearance of breasts. Depending upon the concern as well as the intended outcome, your plastic surgeon may use either saline or silicone implants to achieve your desired results with a breast augmentation. Both of these implants are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The decision to get either of the implants depends upon the aesthetic, feel, and strength of the material. Your surgeon compares these factors to your ideal results as well as your lifestyle to find the perfect match for you.
How Long Do Breast Implants Last?
You can expect your breast implants to last at least 10 years after your surgery. For many recipients of breast implants, these devices also last far longer than that duration and might go up to 20 years. For some patients, implants can also cross that duration and last for more than 20 years.
This is an extensive yet ambiguous timeline. But it is only because neither implant has any expiration dates assigned to them. Typically, implants only need to be replaced before the 10-year timeline is when they pose physical complications such as rupture or hardening. When this happens, you need to remove your existing implants (via breast explant surgery) with the help of a qualified surgeon.
Signs That a Breast Implant Needs to Be Replaced
Your breast implants should easily stand usage for at least 10 years. But once they start showing signs of affected performance, it is time to get them replaced. By keeping an eye on the following symptoms, you can determine if you need to consult with your surgeon for breast implant replacement.
Saline Implant Rupture. When a saline implant ruptures, it deflates and misshapes your breast. But the saltwater that escapes in your body remains unharmful. With that being said, you need to get your implant replaced in order to resolve the issue and restore the desired shape of your breast.
Silicone Implant Rupture. Whenever a silicone implant ruptures, the particles may either remain inside the implant or spread to nearby muscles. These do not cause any harm to your health. But the issue can only be resolved through the replacement of the implant.
Breast Hardening. Sometimes, the scar tissue around your implants can harden from a condition called capsular contracture. This can cause your implants to tighten and cause pain. It can also affect the appearance of the affected breasts. This calls for immediate consultation with a competent surgeon.
Breast Rippling. Over time, some implants may fall prey to ripples and lead to wrinkles across their surface. If the ripples can be felt or seen against your skin, this issue should be addressed by an immediate checkup through a qualified provider.
Position Change. Some implants can change their position and misshape the breasts over time. When this happens, some implants can be adjusted without surgery while others may need to be replaced with the help of your surgeon.
By learning about these aspects, you can learn how long do breast implants last while also knowing when to look for their immediate replacement. This ensures that you can continue enjoying your ideal figure without any compromise.
Want to Learn More?
To discuss your cosmetic breast surgery options, book a consultation with Dr. Bryan Armijo, a board-certified plastic surgeon. For more information, call us now at (214) 540-1434 or schedule a consultation online today!