

Can Breast Reduction Really be Scarless?

Breast reductions are a perfect solution for any woman looking to downsize her breasts. Dr. Armijo has worked with countless patients of all ages to help create breasts they truly love, and that support their lifestyle. If you’re struggling with shoulder, neck, or back pain due to your breasts’ size, Dr. Armijo can help.

Plenty of our clients come to Dr. Armijo looking to downsize for solely aesthetic reasons. Our expert team is proud to offer every patient the highest standards of care and safety possible, no matter the motivation.

During the initial consultation, Dr. Armijo often gets asked about the possibility of a “scarless” breast reduction. All over the internet, cosmetic surgeons claim they can provide surgical results without any scarring. The truth of the matter is: there will always be some scarring. 

The Truth About Scarring

Like any other surgical procedure, breast reductions require Dr. Armijo to create an incision before removing any unwanted skin and breast tissue. Regardless of the technique used, undergoing an incision (whether that’s from breast augmentation, a breast liftimplant removalreconstruction, or any other procedure) means the body will need to heal over time. Developing healthy scar tissue is a natural and vital part of the healing process.

That’s why it’s so important to work with a board-certified plastic surgeon with expertise in breast anatomy, like Dr. Armijo. Thanks to his years of specialized training and experience, alongside cutting-edge suturing techniques, Dr. Armijo will do his very best to carefully place your incision where your natural anatomy will conceal it. In every surgery, he will try to minimize the size of your incision.

After surgery, we’ll provide you with in-depth steps to properly care for your scar and help it to heal and fade over time. Dr. Armijo’s first concern is your safety and full understanding of the surgical process. Our entire team is here to provide you with all the information necessary to make a fully-informed decision about your body and the realistic results surgery can provide.

How To Reduce Scarring

Everyone’s body heals differently, and countless factors go into how your scars will look six months, a year, or ten years after breast reduction surgery. One of the best indicators of how you’ll heal is your history of scarring. If you’re prone to thicker scars, there’s a higher likelihood of more substantial (albeit insignificant) scarring down the line.

Your environment and lifestyle are other major players. As mentioned, we’ll provide you with a full list of aftercare instructions, including daily SPF use, to help your scar heal as quickly as possible. By carefully following these guidelines, many patients’ scars become nearly invisible in about a year or two.

As much as you can, avoid any direct sunlight to the incision site. The use of topicals, organic oils, and vitamin-e creams can also help to maintain moisture and encourage faster skin restoration.

Though modern medicine hasn’t gotten to the point of “scarless procedures,” we’ve come a long way in scar treatments. We offer a range of clinically proven non-surgical options to help encourage scar reduction. If you’re looking to take more proactive scar reduction steps, both laser skin resurfacing and microneedling might be right for you.

Laser skin resurfacing is particularly well suited to patients prone to thick scarring, though any patient will see significant scar improvements following treatment. By carefully removing the upper layers of skin, Dr. Armijo will prompt your body’s natural healing response and collagen and elastin production.

After your first session, you’ll see a gradual but substantial reduction in visible scarring, along with overall improvements to your skin’s tone and texture. If you’re interested in further results, we can discuss follow-up treatments depending on your medical history, scar severity, and desired goals.

Learn More From Our Experts!

If you’re interested in learning more about breast reduction surgery, scar treatments, or any of our other services, please get in touch with our Dallas, TX office by calling us at (214) 540-1434 or contacting us online today to schedule a virtual consultation from the safety of your home.